Practice Areas

Serving The Niagara Region

Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Criminal Code and CDSA

         In terms of criminal law, I will deal with any charges under the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. To be clear, this includes any proceeding in the Ontario or Superior Court of Justice (i.e. bails, trials, sentencing, appeals, mental health and drug treatment court). Below is a sample list of offences I can assist with, so please feel free to call and inquire if your charge is not listed.

  • Youth Criminal Justice Act offences
  • Offences in Mental Health Court
  • Offences in Drug Treatment Court
  • Sexual offences including sexual assault, sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching
  • Violent offences including assault (domestic/non-domestic), assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon, aggravated assault
  • Property offences including theft, possession of stolen property, fraud, possession of proceeds of crime, counterfeiting, money-laundering
  • Criminal harassment and/or threatening, mischief to private or public property
  • Drug offences including possession for the purpose of trafficking, manufacturing, simple possession of a drug
  • Drinking and driving offences including impaired operation or care and control, operation or care and control with over .08 mg of alcohol in the blood, failure or refusal to provide a roadside breath sample, failure or refusal to provide an Intoxilyzer breath sample


Professional Discipline

Regulatory Bodies

         I also defend those facing allegations before a professional disciplinary body. When a professional body determines that there has been a finding of professional misconduct, they can generally institute various forms of punishment including, but not limited to, fines and suspension or even revocation of your license to practice. This is why such proceedings are serious and why you should speak with a lawyer about the allegations you are facing as soon as possible. Below is a sample list of professional colleges in Ontario:

  • Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
  • The Law Society of Ontario
  • Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario
  • Ontario College of Teachers
  • College of Chiropractors of Ontario
  • Disciplinary proceedings under the Police Services Actand OIPRD
  • The College of Nurses of Ontario
  • College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario